Conferences and Workshop Participation
Electronic Computational Homotopy Theory (eCHT) homotopical combinatorics reading seminar (Spring 2025)
Midwest Topology Seminar (November 2024)
Mathematical Association of America MathFest (August 2024)
IAS/Park City Mathematics Institute Undergraduate Faculty Program (July 2024)
HHMI ie3 Summer Gathering at the Janelia Research Campus (June 2024)
Association of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences Conference (May 2024)
Indiana Section Meeting of the Mathematical Association of America (April 2024)
7th NE Rume Conference (November 2023)
HHMI ie3 LCC5 Summer Convening at Centre College (July 2023)
American Institute of Mathematics Structured Quartet Research Ensembles (July 2023)
Inclusive STEM Facilitator Training (July 2023)
Summer School on Scissors Congruence, Algebraic K-theory, and Trace Methods (June 2023)
Midwest Topology Seminar (April 2023)
Indiana Section Meeting of the Mathematical Association of America (March 2023)
Research Experiences for Undergraduate Faculty Summer Workshop (August 2022)
Center for Undergraduate Research in Mathematics Faculty Workshop (June 2022)
Association of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences Conference (May 2022)
Joint Math Meetings (April 2022)
Indiana Section Meeting of the Mathematical Association of America (September 2021)
Mathematical Association of America MathFest (August 2021)
Mastery Grading Conference (June 2021)
International Christian Community for Teacher Education Conference (May 2021)
Pacific Institute for the Mathematical Sciences Changing the Culture (May 2021)
Mathematical Sciences Research Institute Hot Topics: Topological Insights in Neuroscience Workshop (May 2021)
Topological Data Analysis – Theory and Applications (May 2021)
Institute for Mathematical and Statistical Innovation Topological Data Analysis Workshop (April 2021)
Midwest Topology Seminar (April 2021)
Mathematical Association of America Indiana Section Meeting (March 2021)
TPSE Workshop (March 2021)
Joint Math Meetings (January 2021)
Midwest Topology Seminar (October 2020)
Mathematical Association of America Indiana Section Meeting (October 2020)
Cascade Topology Seminar (September 2020)
Mathematical Association of America Project NExT MathFest (July 2020)
Optimal Transport Workshop (July 2020)
Summer School on Motivic, Equivariant and Non-commutative Homotopy Theory (July 2020)
Workshop on Topological Data Analysis (June 2020)
Mastery Grading Conference (June 2020)
Topological Image Analysis SIAM mini-symposium (June 2020)
Midwest Topology Seminar (May 2020)
Joint Math Meetings (January 2020)
Midwest Topology Seminar: MayDay (October 2019)
American Mathematical Society Fall Central Sectional Meeting (September 2019)
Women in Topology (August 2019)
Mathematical Association of America MathFest (August 2019)
Young Topologists Meeting (July 2019)
Association of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences Conference (May 2019)
Midwest Topology Seminar (May 2019)
Shanks Workshop on Homotopy Theory (April 2019)
Graduate Student Topology & Geometry Conference (March 2019)
Math in Action (February 2019)
American Mathematical Society Fall Central Sectional Meeting (October 2018)
European Autumn School in Topology (September 2018)
Midwest Topology Seminar (September 2018)
European Talbot: Free Loop Spaces (July 2018)
Homotopy Theory (June 2018)
Midwest Topology Seminar (April 2018)
Women in Topology (December 2017)
Midwest Topology Seminar (November 2017)
Summer School on Trace Methods in Algebraic K-Theory (August 2017)
Homotopy theory: tools and applications (July 2017)
Association of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences Conference (June 2017)
Applied & Computational Algebraic Topology Conference (May 2017)
Applied & Computational Algebraic Topology Spring School (April 2017)
Graduate Student Topology & Geometry Conference (April 2017)
Shanks Workshop on Homotopy Theory (March 2017)
Mathematical Association of America MathFest (August 2016)
Association of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences Conference (May 2015)
Nebraska Conference for Undergraduate Women in Math (January 2014)
Association of Christians in the Mathematical Sciences Conference (May 2013)
If you are interested in notes from a talk that I gave, feel free to contact me and I can send them to you.